
Frauendorfer, K. (2023): On the Differentiation: Asset-backed vs. Proprietary Trading, Tutorial Paper, ior/cf-HSG, University of St.Gallen. Link
Frauendorfer, K. (2023): Tutorial zur Differenzierung: Asset-backed vs. Proprietary Trading, Tutorial Paper, ior/cf-HSG, Universität St.Gallen. Link


Frauendorfer, K.; Gutsche, R. (2022): Geschäftsmodell der Axpo: Cui Bono? Ein Kommentar zu den Finanzberichten 2008/09 - 2020/21 der Axpo, Link
Frauendorfer, K.; Gutsche, R. (2022): Alpiq: Quo Vadis? Ein Kommentar zu den Finanzberichten 2009 - 2021 der Alpiq, Link
Halser, C.; Paraschiv, F. (2022): Pathways to Overcoming Natural Gas Dependency on Russia - The German Case. Energies, 15 (14), 4939, Link
Li, W.; Paraschiv, F. (2022): Modelling the evolution of wind and solar power infeed forecasts. Journal of Commodity markets, 25, 100189, Link
Mas Urquijo, I.; Paraschiv, F. (2022): Cross-border Effects between the Spanisch and French Electricity Markets - Asymmetric  Dynamics and Benefits in the Light of European Market Integration. The Energy Journal, Vol. 44 (forthcoming), Link 
Müller, L. (2022): Essays on Dynamics of Order Books, Dissertation, University of St.Gallen.
Optiz, Ch. (2022): Urban energy Systems: Municipal utilities and the case of Switzerland. In: Matthias Finger und Noman Yanar (Hg.): The Elgar companion to urban infrastructure governance. Innovation, concepts and cases. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, S.129-147
Wahlstrøm, R.R.; Paraschiv, F.; Schürle, M. (2022): A Comparative Analysis of Parsimonious Yield Curve Models with Focus on the Nelson-Siegel, Svensson and Bliss Versions. Computational Economics, 59, 967-1004, Link


Frauendorfer, K. (2021): Teilliberalisierung Marktgebiet Schweiz - gefangen in der Unvollständigkeit, in: Geiser Thomas / Hilb Martin /Pärli Kurt / Stengel Manuel / Wittmer Andreas (Hrsg.): Ein Kunstflug durch das Recht und die Governance - Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Roland Müller, Zürich / St.Gallen 2021, S. 199 - 2016. Link
Frauendorfer, K.; Gutsche, R. (2021): Empirische Analysen zu Finanzberichten der Alpiq, Axpo, BKW (Geschäftsjahre 2009 - 2018), Eine Studie für die Stakeholder der Schweizer Stromwirtschaft zur Prüfung. Link


Böhnke, V.; Paraschiv, F.; Reite, E.J. (2020): Assessment of Banks' Profitability and Risk Profile after Adopting the Internal Rating Based Approach. Working paper.
Escoar, D.; Paraschiv, F.; Schürle, M. (2020): Pricing electricity futures with distortion functions under model ambiguity. This article is part of D. Escobar's PhD thesis, which received the Best Dissertation Award 2019 of the Austrian Society of Operations Research (ÖGOR)
Frauendorfer, K.; Schürle, M. (2020): Einsatzmöglichkeiten flexibler Kapazitäten für Sekundärregelleistung, Case Study. Link
Frauendorfer, K.; Gutsche, R.; Haarbrücker, G.; Liebenberger, C. (2020): Spannungsfeld: Stromversorgung vs. Electricity Trading: Management Challenges, Management Summary, Link
Frauendorfer, K.; Gutsche, R.; Haarbrücker, G.; Liebenberger, C. (2020): Field of Tension: Electricity Supply vs. Electricity Trading: Management Challenges,, Management Summary English, Link
Frauendorfer, K.; Müller, L. (2020): Liquidity-related Price Sensitivities of Closing Auctions in Equity Markets, Working paper.
Kremer, M.; Kiesel, R.; Paraschiv, F. (2020): The impact of renewable energies for continuous intraday electricity trading, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 379, 20190624, Link
Kremer, M.; Kiesel, R.; Paraschiv, F. (2020): Intraday Electricity Pricing of Night Contracts. Energies, 13 (17), 4501, Link
Ongena, S.; Reite, E.J.; Paraschiv, F. (2020): Harvesting from loyalty in mortgage lending. Working paper
Paraschiv, F.; Mohamad, D. (2020): The Nuclear Power Dilemma - Between Perception and Reality. Energies, 13 (22)
Paraschiv, F.; Mohamad, D. (2020): The Nuclear Power Dilemma - Between Perception and Reality. Energies, 2020 (13), 6074 Link
Paraschiv, F.; Reese, S.M.; Skjelstad, M.R. (2020): Portfolio Stress Testing Applied to Commodity Futures. Computational Management Science, 17 (2), 203-240.
Paraschiv, F.; Mohamad, D. (2020): The Nuclear Power Dilemma - Between Perception and Reality. Energies, 13 (22).
Paraschiv, F.; Wahlstrøm, R.R. (2020): Review of Crowd Funding Platforms in Scandinavia. Working paper.
Wahlstrøm, R.R.; Paraschiv, F.; Schürle, M. (2020): A Comparative Analysis of Parsimonious Yield Curve Models with Focus on the Nelson-Siegel, Svensson and Bliss Models. School of Finance Research Paper No.2020/06.
Wahlstrøm, R.R.; Paraschiv, F.; Schmid, M. (2020): Bankruptcy prediction of privately held SMEs: a study of imputed variables using feature selection methods. Working paper.


Breitenstein, M.; Nguyyen, D.; Walther, Th. (2019): Climate Change and Bank's Risk Management: Can it Affect Investment Decisions? in: International Banker, Summer 2019, pp. 68-69, Link
Frauendorfer, K.; Gutsche, R.; Schürle, M. (2019): Performance Issues im Schweizer Stromhandel (Der Beginn der Teilliberalisierung in der Schweiz). Positionspapier zur Stromwirtschaft CH, Link
Frauendorfer, K.; Gutsche, R.. (2019): Die Rolle des Stromhandels in der Schweizer Stromwirtschaft, Link
Gutsche, R.; Rif, A. (2019): The Shortcomings of Segment Reporting and their Impact on Analysts' Earnings Forecasts, Working paper. Link
Locarek-Junge, H.; Sumpf, A.; Walther, Th. (2019): Anwendung der Copula-Formel in der Finanzwirtschaft: Höllenformel oder nützliches Abhängigkeitsmass? in: WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Vol. 48, No. 2-3. pp.12-19.
Walther, Th.; Klein, T.; Bouri, E. (2019): Exogenous Drivers of Cryptocurrency Volatility - A Mixed Data Sampling Approach to Forecasting, in: Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Vol. 63, pp. 101 - 113. Link


Bui, Qu.; Klein, T.; Nguyen, N.; Walther, Th. (2018): Value-at-Risk for South-East Asian Stock Markets: Stochastic Volatility vs. GARCH, in Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Vol. 11, No.2. 
Frauendorfer, K.; Gutsche, R. (2018): Accounting-Puzzle in der Schweizer Stromwirtschaft: Die Geschäftsjahre 2015 -2017, Working Paper, Link
Frauendorfer, K.; Paraschiv, F.; Schürle, M. (2018): Cross-Border Effects on Swiss Electricity Prices in the Light of the Energy Transition, Energies, 11 (9), 2188. Link
Kiesel. R.; Paraschiv, F.; Sætherø, A. (2018): On the Construction of Hourly Price Forward Curves for Electricity Prices. Computational Management Science. Link
Klein, T.; Pham, T.; Walther, Th. (2018): Bitcoin is not the New Gold - A Comparison of Volatility, Correlation, and Portfolio Performance, in International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 59. pp.105-116.
Paraschiv, F.; Schürle, M. (2018): Replication of Non-Maturing Products in a Low Interest Rate Environment. In A. Bohn and M. Elkenbracht-Huizing (eds.): The Handbook of ALM in Banking, 2nd edition, 191-236, Risk Books.
Spada, M.; Paraschiv, F.; Burgherr, P. (2018): A comparison of risk measures for accidents in the energy sector and their implications on decision-making strategies. Energy, 154, 277-288.
Weigt, H.; Abrell, J.; Betz, R.; Frauendorfer, K.; Krysiak, F.; Roux, C.; Schlecht, I.; Schleiniger, R.; Walther, Th.; Winzer, Ch. (2018): Strommarktdesign: In welche Richtung soll es gehen?, SCCER CREST White Paper 5 - Juni/2018.
Westgaard, S.; Paraschiv, F.; Lasessen Ekern, L.; Naustdal, I.; Roald, M. (2018): Forecasting Price Distributions in the German Electricity Market. To appear 2019 in J. Chevallier et al. (eds.): International Financial Markets, Vol. 1, Routledge.


Aepli, M.; Füss, R.; Sønsteg-Henriksen, T.; Paraschiv, F. (2017): Modeling the multivariate dynamic dependence structure of commodity futures portfolios. Journal of Commodity Markets, 6, 66-87.
Benth, F.; Paraschiv, F. (2017): A space-time random field model for electricity forward prices. Journal of Banking and Finance. (Best Paper Award, Energy and Commodity Finance Conference 2016, Paris).
Dorfleitner, G.; Utz, S.; Wimmer, M. (2017): Patience pays off - corporate social responsibility and long-term stock returns, Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, in press.
Frauendorfer, K.; Schürle, M. (2017): Das Erlöspotenzial der Schweizer Grosswasserkraft, Studie im Auftrag der Regierungskonferenz der Gebirgskantone. Link
Frauendorfer, K.; Schürle, M. (2017): Das Erlöspotenzial der Schweizer Grosswasserkraft, Technische Dokumentation, Studie im Auftrag der Regierungskonferenz der Gebirgskantone. Link
Gutsche, R.; Schulz, J,; Gratwohl, M. (2017): Firm-value Effect of CSR Disclosure and CSR Performance, Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, pp.332-349.
Kiesel, R.; Paraschiv, F. (2017): Econometric analysis of 15-minute intraday electricity prices. Energy Economics, 64, 77-90.
Schuster, M.; Walther, Th. (2017): Valuation of Combined Wind Power Plant and Hydrogen Storage: A Decision Tree Approach, in IEEE Xplore: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Dresden 2017, pp.1-6.
Utz, S. (2017): Corporate scandals and the reliability of ESG assessments: Evidence from an international sample, Review of Managerial Science, in press.
Utz, S. (2017): Over-investment or risk mitigation? Corporate social responsibility in Asia-Pacific, Europe, Japan, and the United States, Review of Financial Economics, in press.


Aepli, M.; Frauendorfer, K.; Füss, R.; Paraschiv, F. (2016): The Predictive Power of Multivariate Dynamic Copula Models. Under review.
Frauendorfer, K.; Paraschiv, F.; Schürle, M. (2016): Cross-border effects of the German electricity market fundamentals on the Swiss electricity prices. Working paper (part of the final report of the project "Econometric analysis of the determinants of electricity wholesale prices in Switzerland and Germany" financed by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy)
Gross, M. (2016): Risk Control im Rahmen der Governance von Stromübertragungsnetzbetreibern. Dissertation #4524.
Gutsche, R. (2016): Goodwill in der Bilanz: Zum fragwürdigen Ansatz von Anschaffungskosten einer Investition, die sich schlussendlich "amortisieren" muss - Ein Plädoyer, Spekulation wieder Anlegern zu überlassen. Zeitschrift für Internationale Rechnungslegung, 9, 369-375.
Gutsche, R. (2016): Equity-settled Share-based Compensations: Fairly Presented and Decision Useful? Zeitschrift für Internationale Rechnungslegung, 2, 79-87.
Hagfors, L.; Kamperud, H.; Paraschiv, F.; Prokozcuk, M.; Sator, A.; Westgaard, S. (2016): Prediction of extreme price occurrences in the German day-ahead electricity market, Quantitative Finance, 16 (12),1929-1948.
Hagfors, L.; Molnar, P.; Paraschiv, F.; Westgaard, S. (2016): Using quantile regression to analyze the effect of renewables on EEX price formation. Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability, 32 (1), Link
Keles, D.; Scelle, J.; Paraschiv, F.; Fichtner, W. (2016): Extended forecast methods for day-ahead electricity spot prices applying artificial neural networks (ANN). Applied Energy, 162, 218-230.
Paraschiv, F.; Bunn, D.; Westgaard, S. (2016): A fully parametric approach for quantile regressions with time-varying coefficients. Under Review.
Paraschiv, F.; Hadzi-Mishev, R.; Keles, D. (2016): Extreme Value Theory for heavy-tails in electricity prices. Journal of Energy Markets, 9 (2), 21-50.
Paraschiv, F.; Mudry, P-A. (2016): Stress testing techniques for portfolios of commodity futures, using extreme-value theory and copulas. In R.J. Fonseca et al. (eds.): Computational Management Science - State of the Art, 17-22, Springer.
Rous, J.M. (2016): Institutional Investing and Feedback Effects in Capital Markets. Dissertation #4558

