Public Lecture

Impending energy shortage - a curse or a blessing for the transformation of our energy system?

The energy sector finds itself in crisis mode. Although a shortage was averted last winter, the threat has not been averted. The Federal Council assumes that the supply situation could become even more critical in the winter of 2023/24. Preparations are therefore being made at all levels for extreme scenarios. At the same time, the decarbonization of our energy system must be driven forward at full speed with a view to the net-zero target for 2050. At the present time, it is difficult to assess the extent to which decisions to increase security of supply in the short term will promote greening in the medium to long term - or may even run counter to it. With the participation of experts from academia and industry, the lecture series aims to help the audience find an answer to the question «Impending energy shortage - curse or blessing for the transformation of our energy system?».

Topic Lecturer
Drohende Energiemangellage und Dekarbonisierung des Energiesystems: Status-quo und Handlungsbedarf Dr. Christian Opitz, Head of Competence Center Energy Management (ior/cf-HSG), University of St.Gallen
Zwischen Regulierung und Privatwirtschaft – zur Geschichte von Energiekrisen in der Schweiz Lic. phil. hist./EMBA-HSG Daniela Decurtins, Director, Swiss Gas Industry Association
Zwischen den Wintern: Die drohende Energiemangellage aus Sicht des Regulators Dr. Urs Meister, Managing Director, Swiss Federal Electricity Commission
Ethische Aspekte einer zukünftigen Energieversorgung Prof. Dr. Dr. Andrej Pustišek, Professor of Energy Economics, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
Brachliegende Potenziale bei der inländischen erneuerbaren Stromproduktion Dr. Nadja Germann, BHead of Energy Executive Training, Association of Swiss Electricity Companies

