The ior/cf-HSG and associated lecturers teach at Bachelor level:
- «Asset-based Commodity Trading»,
- «Financial and Management Accounting»,
- «Research Methods»,
- «Fundamental Business Analysis Using Financial Statements»,
- «Fundamentals of financial and actuarial mathematics» and
- «International accounting and performance management within the company».
For Master's students there are also:
- «Basics in Energy Finance» (CEMS-Course),
- «Computational Finance»,
- «Dynamic Equity Analysis and Security Trading»,
- «Energy Finance»,
- «Financial Risk Management»,
- «Quantitative Finance» (Seminar),
- «Quantitative Financial Regulation»
- «Quantitative Methoden» and
- «Valuation for Accounting».
Doctoral students can attend the following lectures:
- «Computational Finance» and
- «Topics in Energy Finance»
- «Asset Pricing»